Getting Back To “Normal”

Hello lovelies, how are you feeling today? like right this moment? It might be helpful for you to note it down or acknowledge it. There is a small comfort knowing that we are all in the same pandemic boat, riding the waves of emotion. It’s ok, it’s normal, you are not a freak, your feelings are valid be they positive or negative.
I think this period of quarantine has given us more time to evaluate ourselves and perhaps in doing so we have scrutinized every inch of our being. Questioning our self-worth and purpose. Maybe you have realised what’s important to you through slowing down and really asking yourself what makes you happy. Perhaps you have embraced a new style, changed your hair colour or taken up a new hobby! I’m currently obsessed with Gardeners World and watch it without fail every Friday night. Then on Saturday we go to the garden center and buy lots of flowers to plant in our garden.

I’ve also been making the most of the hot weather with lots of yummy ice coffees from local cafés. I think it’s important to support your local community shops especially now with the Eat Out To Help Out which runs from Mon-Wed until the end of August, in the UK. You get a more exclusive experience that feels a little bit special than you would at a chain branch for example.

Now the Summer season is slowly coming to a close and I welcome Autumn with open arms.

Your Turn
Have you changed anything about yourself be it mentally or physically during this pandemic?
How are you coping now?
Name one thing that makes you happy!
That’s it from me for now, I hope you will join me again as I will be aiming to post more regularly. Have a lovely weekend, much love xoxo Shaz
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