Creating Feel Good Routines

Hello lovely reader and welcome to my blog! I thought it fitting to introduce myself to those of you who are new here. To be quite honest I really dislike writing these intro bio’s because they sound so banal and I don’t do small talk!
I want to feel like my best self everyday and I believe that taking pride in our appearance and surroundings plays a huge role in the way we feel about ourselves. When you drink your morning coffee in your favourite mug doesn’t it just taste so much better? The same applies with the clothes we wear and the makeup we put on and doing these acts repeatedly so it becomes a daily habit that we can’t forgo.
Think of a time you felt absolutely brilliant in yourself, what were you wearing? Did you have a particular fragrance on? how about you makeup look? what season was it? Remember that feeling and replicate it again and again until you know no other way to be.
If you suffer from depression or anxiety as I have done and still do at times, keeping to a routine is invaluable to keeping your mind and body engaged. It gives you a ‘ what next’ to focus on rather than the feeling of hopelessness.
Schedule a coffee time each day where you mindfully make your cup of coffee. Notice the smell as it brews. Sit down and take the time to enjoy every magical sip.
I want you to like who you are because you are brilliant! Don’t believe those negative thought’s that creep up on you, bat them away like a buzzing bee.
Be clean, shower, wash your hair, moisturise from head to toe! Wear clean, fresh clothes. Put on some makeup even if you are not leaving the house because trust me you will get more done at home than you thought you ever would. Makeup is magic!
Keep your surroundings uncluttered, clean and tidy. Cleaning gives your mind something to focus on and afterwards you are rewarded with tranquil surroundings and you will reflect that in your mood.
Exercise, move your body everyday weather it’s a brisk walk outside, stretching or doing some online classes in your living room. Just move!
Listen to the radio or a podcast that interests you, it’s a comfort to have on in the background. I often watch my favourite YouTubers.
Above all don’t be so hard on yourself, you are doing the best you can right now so give yourself a big pat on the back.
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