My 7 AM Morning Routine | Working From Home

I wake up at 7 am and the first thing I do is prepare a Lemon, Ginger and Turmeric Detox tea. I find this helps to cleanse my system and set me up for the day ahead. I then do 30mins of guided meditation one is a grounding body scan that helps me check in with myself and be present and the second is a short positive affirmation meditation that helps build my confidence. Both can be found on YouTube by The Mindful Movement. This simple time of reflexion makes such a huge difference in my day. I know meditation is not for everyone and it’s taken me a long time to be able to focus. I also think you have to find the right type of meditation to suit you. I can’t stand the sound of some peoples voices or the background music they use, I’m very specific which matters because the last thing you want is to get annoyed during your meditation.

After that I make my bed, this is a very important step in my routine. I find that doing this creates discipline and structure to my day and it’s one less thing to do before I get dressed. I then either go to the gym and then have my breakfast afterwards or if I don’t go to the gym I will go ahead and have my breakfast which is always the same, porridge with berries, cinnamon and almond butter.

After breakfast, I have a shower, put on my makeup and get dressed. If you work from home as I do, you know it can be very tempting to just sit in your PJ’s all day but I find that I will lack motivation and drive and will most probably end up on the couch all day feeling useless. Treating the day like a ‘proper’ workday is super important for productivity. When I feel good in myself I produce better content and I accomplish a whole lot more throughout the day. At around 11 am I make a cup of coffee and go up to my office, answer YouTube comments and prepare blog posts.

This weekly routine has really helped me create routine and structure to my day and I’m no longer left thinking what to do next. I feel so much more accomplished and happier.
What’s your routine like?
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