I am always on the hunt for the perfect mascara, one that will give me fuller, thicker lashes, doesn't smudge, gives good length, is jet black and basically gives me the false lash effect without actually having to go through the rigmarole of applying them.I'm not asking for much am I? I have tried a lot of mascaras ...
During the Winter months, it can be hard to keep skin looking plump and glowy add to that central heating that plays havoc with our complexion. There is nothing a few makeup products can't fix. When my skin is in need of a real boost I always reach for Gerda Spillmann Bio-Fond. This incredible foundation not only heals and ...
I want to bring my makeup back to basics, what I reach for daily and what suites me best. I'm starting to find that a lot of these over the top 'Instagram' makeup looks just aren't realistic or practical for every day. These types of makeup looks are specially created for the purpose of photography. Don't get me wrong I'm ...
Lately, I have found watching 'beauty gurus' on youtube a bit lackluster and rather uninspiring. Gone are the days of helpful, achievable makeup looks of girls like us doing our makeup on our bedroom floor. It's become a haven for money obsessed product endorsing, over the top makeup looks. When did owning every ...
Going for a job interview is intimidating enough the last thing you want is to be concerned about is your makeup. My advice in regards to a corporate role is to keep it low key, natural and fresh. You want the employer to see you not how 'on fleek' your highlight is. How you come across and this really does include your ...